Rav Mazuz Calls For Achdus Ahead Of Elections

Perhaps HaGaon HaRav Meir Mazuz Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Kisei Rachamim, has signaled he is not going to continue running his Yachad party in Knesset elections. Remarks made by the rav during a recent shiur have some wondering.

Rabbi Mazuz stated “political machlokes must be put aside and there must be achdus ahead of the next election”.

The rav stated “We daven that these days, the Three Weeks, disappear from the world. Enough! Israel has suffered from the galus but we have to do something for this [to occur].

“We must unite. There is news and no one knows when the next elections ca be. If we remain battling one another- we must unit and we must show the non-religious that the Torah unites.

“Even when there are different opinions there is the possibility of speaking, but respectfully”.

When former Shas leader Eli Yishai was replaced by Aryeh Deri as party leader, together with Rabbi Mazuz, they started the Yachad party, which failed to pass the minimum threshold and enter Knesset in the last general elections.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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