PHOTOS: Jerusalem Swastika Attacks Including A Shul


Police report that a Jerusalem shul was with swastikas on Wednesday morning 27 Sivan. Beit Knesset Laluv on Kfar Nachum Street (Mekor Baruch) was targeted with swastikas and vandals tried to light seforim on fire.

Later in the morning police learned this was not the only attack, reporting two additional attacks in the same general area, with swastikas painted on the entrances of two different buildings.

Police forensic experts add that it appears the same handwriting is responsible for all three attacks. An investigation is ongoing.

Police on Wednesday afternoon announced the arrest of a 38-year-old resident of the capital as the major suspect in the case. Police add it appears he perpetrated similar graffiti attacks in areas of the northern capital.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo Credit: Police spokesman unit)

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