Kever Of Yehoshua Bin Nun Desecrated

bin nun.jpgThe Kever of Yehoshua Bin Nun, located in the Shomron, was found desecrated yesterday by a person arriving to daven at the Kever. This is not the first time that this has happened. Arabs who desecrated the Kever reportedly spray-painted swastikas, other anti-Jewish slogans, and defecated inside the Kever.

A group of people were quickly called to clean up the mess, and after a few hours the desecration was almost not noticeable.

Thousands of people travel to the Kever on the night of Asara Biteves.


4 Responses

  1. Dogs cant control where they defecate, its a known fact. These people are not even human, they are animals in every sense of the word! How did these pieces of trash get in there in the first place. All the bnei eretz yisroel should go ask mechillah.

  2. I am always at a loss to apply the designation of “Tzellem Elokim” to the so-called “Palestinians”. Doesn’t there come a point when the individual or nation has so completely defiled the Elokus that it no longer deserves the designation? Ugghh. They are the most vile creatures.

  3. achtov – i wonder if they can sense when the malach hamaves is coming…anyway, it’s odd that they would do something like this, since i thought they hold that yehoshua was a navi too. all i can say is that tomorrow morning i think i am going to say shelo asani goy with more kavanah than usual.

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