Chareidi Party Faction Leaders Explain Uncompromising Position To The Chief Rabbis Of Israel

Chareidi faction leaders in Knesset; Health Minister Yaakov Litzman, Interior Minister Aryeh Deri and Knesset Finance Committee Chairman MK Moshe Gafne held a phone meeting on Monday evening with Chief Rabbis of Israel Rabbi Dovid Lau Shlita and Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Shlita. On the agenda was ongoing efforts to secure a deal that will ensure the Kosel area will remain in control of religious authorities exclusively. The Chief Rabbis oppose permitting Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to delay a decision, insisting the chareidi parties must demand the cancelation of the outline contained in the infamous cabinet decision that permits an egalitarian prayer area at nearby Robinson’s Arch.

Deri and Litzman called on Gafne to deliver the message – that there will be no compromise. Later Monday evening, Gafne did just that, informing officials in the Prime Minister’s Bureau that the deal permitting the egalitarian prayer area must be canceled and on this, there would be no compromise.

Gafne sent the message that the decision is final and there is no room for discussion. The leaders of the chareidi parties have threatened this is a deal-breaker and failure to comply, would lead to a coalition crisis.

The original cabinet decision was approved by the chareidim too, who at the time felt it was the least evil of options available as they were certain that if they do not permit the egalitarian prayer area at Robinson’s Arch, the case would come before the High Court of Justice, which R”L would permit egalitarian prayer at the Kosel itself. Hence their support.

However, the widespread outcry led to today’s reality demanding the cancelation of the cabinet decision.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. They were wrong in making such a compromise. If push came to shove, and the reshoim permit the pritzus at Robinson’s Arch, then so be it. But under no circumstances can frum yidden go on record supporting such a deal.

  2. Wrong to “negotiate” with Reform-Deform, the enemies of Hashem.
    I will not allow them access at all., by order!
    Also no access to Robinson’s arch, they are not permitted any recognition at all. By order!

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