Arabs Prank Fire Department, Then Pelt Them With Stones

astones.jpgAccording to the Jerusalem Post, Arab residents from the town of Rama called the fire department and reported a false car fire. Upon the arrival of the FD, the crew was pelted with stones – breaking its windshield. Boruch Hashem there was no one wounded.

Yeshivaworld has in the past reported incidents at which Arabs have called for emergency services (MDA, PD, FD), and pelted them with stones and bottles.

3 Responses

  1. I think many would agree with me that perhaps the Fire Dept. should reward this behavior by not showing up next few times they are called…

  2. Cowards come to mind hearing this sick news….there should never be a reason to target the fire department…i.e. as an act of hatred. Fire fighters are there for all and never have i witnessed or heard of the fire department discriminate against anyone. Unfortunitely they don’t have the luxery of choosing which fire call NOT to answer.

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