SUBHUMANS! Terrorists’ Mother Says She Wishes Son ‘Would Have Killed More’

The mother of one of the terrorists in Friday’s coordinated stabbing and shooting attack is proud of her son, and actually wishes he had killed more innocent Israelis.

“We will meet in heaven. I’m proud. I wanted him to kill  20, 50, 100 of them,” she said. Transcripts of the TV interview were provided by Ambassador Dani Dayan, Israel’s envoy to New York.

Border Police officer Hadas Malka H”YD was killed, and four others injured, when three terrorists carried out a coordinated stabbing and shooting attack Friday evening at Sha’ar Shechem, outside Jerusalem’s Old City.

ISIS and Hamas claimed the attack, but the IDF refuted both claims.

10 Responses

  1. It is a mistake to consider one’s enemies as “subhuman”. In war one kills the other side. That is unfortunately, how humans act.

  2. So how do you make peace with these animals? You can’t make peace with wolf or rabid dog!
    “Subhumans” is too high of a classification level for them!

  3. rebyidd23: you’re right, sub-human is a COMPLIMENT!!!
    she’s an ANIMAL!!!
    let’s see what ‘titles’ you’d give to s/1 who is proud of their son who killed any of your relatives l”o!!!

  4. TO RebYidd23 and Akuperma – it is hard to believe a Jew would right these things

    Apparently u r very cut off from the reality here in Yerushalim and at best u can just be quiet!!!!

    Do u think that a mother who prays her son should kill is normal????

    As to a “war” – who is at war with them – I have been living here for 40 + yrs and I can tell u that those who enjoy killing others are subhumans and not interested in having any kind of life even for themselves and if they want to kill each other (i.e.Syria) it is disgisting but has nothing to do with the Jews in Erats Yisrael

    And BTW it doesn’t matter to them if u r secular- left wing or not – THEY WANT TO KILL YOU – EVN IN THE USA – BE SURE OF THAT

  5. So fine. Don’t call the woman SUBHUMAN for her statement.
    Just hang her using the rag she has wrapped around her head. Then she can tell her son first hand how proud she is of him.

  6. She is not a SUBHUMAN because she is an enemy.
    She is a SUBHUMAN for proclaiming that she is proud of HER OWN SON FOR KILLING OTHERS…

    That FAT SLOB in North Korea is also a SUBHUMAN…

  7. Why isn”t anyone mentioning the financial benefits she gets from the PA, which would be much more money if more lives were taken. It’s like she’s saying she had hoped for a bigger payoff. These are gangsters, who kill for money, fame, and their version of heaven. Find ways to stop the payments, freeze/confiscate their assets, take away their citizenships/work permits, destroy their houses, put their kids in educational detention camps, incarcerate them and/or expel them.

  8. HaShem shall inflict her body with a terrible illness, and all kinds of ailments like bone problems, teeth problems, hair fall-out, diabetes, etc. then surely her sick ego will be deflated and maybe she’ll take back her disgusting words.

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