OUTRAGEOUS: Follow-Up To Bissan Sausage Company Scandal [VIDEO]


YWN-ISRAEL recently reported on the Bissan Sausage Company located in the Atarot Industrial Park.

The Chief Rabbinate Kashrus Enforcement Unit publicized the apprehension of 10 tons of treif meats and byproducts used by the two Arab owners to manufacture their sausage products under the supervision of the Jerusalem Rabbinate.

Now the second part of this story. The Arab owners were simply a front for the real owner (name on file), a rav and mifakeach employed by the Jerusalem Rabbinate. The mifakeach (supervisor responsible for a number of mashgichim) was providing the Arabs with treif meats and then giving them labels and holograms to permit them to market the product as being kosher under the Jerusalem Rabbinate R”L. This scandal has been ongoing since 2014 and it was just revealed recently by another mifakeach who got wise to the scandalous operation. It was all about money for this individual R”L as we have tragically seen in other cases involving other hechsherim around the world .

Many will undoubtedly have to consult with their rav regarding their dishes, especially those using the products that were cooked rather than eaten cold.

The mifakeach in question has nebach already tried taking his own life due to the magnitude of this revelation, but is now physically okay as the case moves forward.

The accompanying video is an excerpt from the Sunday night evening news reporting the incident as well.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. @rebtsvi: You posted, ” You’ve missed the other scandals with the B’Datz hashgaha counterfeited by the fraudsters.”

    A fraudulent BaDa”TZ (Kof-K, OK, OK, Star-K, or any other kashrus symbol) is NOT the same thing, and should NEVER be compared to, a member/representative of the same organization providing others with labels, holograms, etc. for the mislabeling of treif meat as kosher. That an outsider see a benefit in forging a respected symbol for his personal profit is one thing (wrong, despicable, but taavas momon is well known). But for an employee, a Rav, to undermine the reliability of his own organization. . . Please do not now provide names and perhaps previously reported cases. I simply wished to illustrate the big difference between the article above and the scenario(s) to which you refer.

  2. > You would never see this type of outrageous behavior in the top-of-the-line Chassideshe hashgachos.

    You are playing semantics, as obviously you will define ” top-of-the-line” retroactively (only those not yet caught are ” top-of-the-line” and once caught are no longer ” top-of-the-line “).

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