The Ministry Of Defense Completes Preparations For Israeli Representation At Le Bourget – The World’s Most Significant Aerial Exhibition

At the Le Bourget Air Show in Paris, SIBAT-the Ministry of Defense’s export division and Israel’s defense industries will present intelligence systems, a new Gil family missile, a David’s Sling interceptor, air-to-air, and the MUSIC system defending aircraft against incoming missiles.

The International Defense Cooperation Directorate at the Ministry of Defense (SIBAT) has completed its preparations for the inauguration of Israel’s national exhibit at the Le Bourget Air Show, the world’s largest and most significant aerospace exhibit, to be held in Paris this week. Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, Elbit Systems, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and Aeronautics Ltd.

will each display their top of the line systems and solutions at the exhibition. An additional six additional Israeli industries- BIRD Aerosystems, Bet Shemesh Engines, Ashot Ashkelon Industries,

CONTROP and TAT Technologies- will participate in an independent exhibition in the exhibition halls.

SIBAT Director, Brig. Gen. (res) Mishel Baruch: “Europe is an important audience for Israeli defense exports, and we are currently working very hard, together with the defense industries, in order to further increase defense exports from Israel to Europe and to continue the trend of the last two years: European countries are currently facing very complex security challenges: murderous terrorist attacks, border protection, illegal immigration and undermining personal security. Against

each of these threats, Israeli industries have a lot to offer. ”

Le Bourget by the numbers (figures from the last exhibition in 2015):

  • 2,302companies from 42 countries
  • 296official delegations from the defense, civil aviation and government ministries
  • 27 national pavilions
  • Roughly 150,000 professional visitors and about 200,000 overall visitors
  • 324 square meters of exhibition space

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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