Opening Of The Kraft Family Sports Campus In Jerusalem

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat and Robert K. Kraft are just two of the notables who will be on hand this Tuesday, 26 Sivan, for the dedication of the Kraft Family Sports Campus, Emek HaArazim.


The Kraft Family Sports Campus is being established thanks to a $6 million-dollar gift from Robert K. Kraft and with sponsorship from Mifal HaPayis and Toto lotteries. The Campus is being built in collaboration with the Jerusalem Foundation and the Jerusalem Development Company – Moriah.

“The Kraft Family Sports Campus is a central part of my vision for Jerusalem as an international capital of sport and athleticism,” said Mayor Barkat. “My dear friend, Robert Kraft, has been an unwavering partner in the growth and development of Jerusalem. This gift, which helps celebrate the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem’s reunification, furthers Robert and his family’s commitment to the capital of Israel, and to enhancing sport and particularly football in Jerusalem.”

“The Kraft Family Sports Campus allows me to invest in two things that I have always been very passionate about: My love of Israel and my support for youth athletics and team sports, especially American football,” said Kraft. “I fell in love with Israel on my first visit in 1963 and have been investing in its future ever since. I have seen the positive impact team sports can have, not just on the individuals who participate, but in the communities that support them. They help unify those who might otherwise be divided by cultural differences. Team athletics have proven to develop leadership, provide examples of success through teamwork and promote health and fitness. My family and I are proud to establish this large scale, multi-sports complex, which is the first of its kind in Jerusalem.”

The Campus will include soccer fields, a dual-use US regulation football and soccer field, locker rooms and administrative offices, a central pedestrian thoroughfare, parking and an access road, with plans in the pipeline to add numerous additional facilities. Together with the American Football League in Israel, the new Kraft Family Sports Campus will further foster the enjoyment of football in Jerusalem.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. “The Kraft Family Sports Campus is a central part of my vision for Jerusalem as an international capital of sport and athleticism,” said Mayor Barkat. “
    Mayor Barkat, at it again. Mamesh making Jerusalem holier. Moshiach on the Way! Look for the guy in the blue and white American football uniform. The very physically fit guy. Unifying us, all barriers divixing us gone in our loving and cohesive aupport of sport, fitness, and healthy athletic xompetition.

  2. SORRY, Correction: Unifying us, all barriers dividing us gone in our loving and cohesive support of sport, fitness, and healthy athletic competition. Mamash, chassidim, Peleg, Chardakim, Niturei Karta, settlers, Ethiopians, Sefaradim, mesorati, all ONE! Thats what was holding back the geulah.

  3. Seems Barkat is actually a chassid, with his heiligge rebbe Mr Kraft and his loyal gabbaim, Misters Washington, Franklin, and Jackson…

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