Monday Morning News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

01:50: A rocket fired from Gaza landed in the Eshkol Regional Council area. No injuries reported.

** The IAF during the night struck terrorist targets in northern Gaza following rocket attacks into southern Israel.

** IDF soldiers taking part in counterterrorism operations throughout Yehuda and Shomron during the night arrested seven suspects.

11:23: Rocket lands in Shar HaNegev Regional Council. No injuries. A large fire burning out of control as a result of the rocket fire.

11:30: Chareidim protest construction in Yahud. At least 1 policeman injured lightly in scuffle.

11:45: Hundreds of Beit El residents have begun marching from Shomron to the hunger strike protest tent opposite the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem.

13:13: Israeli injured light in rock throwing attack against his vehicle near Na’alin in the Ramallah district.

** The Tel Aviv Municipality is painting a crosswalk at Bograshov and Shalom Aleichem Streets multi colored for Friday’s hosting of the to’eva parade in the city.

14:05: Border police in Hebron fire warning shots at an unruly Arab protest outside the Ma’aras HaMachpela.

14:20: An Arab male was taken into custody in the capital after attacking a border policeman in the A-Tor area during an operation. The policeman does not appear to have been injured.

** Police have arrested 15 employees of Maale Adumim City Hall on alleged corruption and bribery. Jerusalem City Hall employee in custody as well. At least 60 people believed involved in law-breaking activities for profit.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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