Jerusalem Resident Indicted For Threats Against IDF Chief Of Personnel Branch

Forty-year-old Jerusalem chareidi resident Moshe Avraham Iyaram was indicted in the northern district for making threats and trying to attack IDF Chief of Personnel Branch Major-General Moti Almoz last month.

According to the indictment, on May 5, 2017, the accused along with another man arrived in Kfar Tavor, where Almoz resides, as part of his protest against the IDF’s induction of chareidim in line with the Peleg hashkafa.

On that Erev Shabbos, after making certain Almog was in shul, they arrived at the end of davening and approached him in the shul complex, blaming him for arresting females. This escalated to shouts, “There is Justice and there is a Judge”, adding one who pains a widow or orphan will be severely punished. Finally, the defendant spat at him.

During the next three days, the defendant continued to stay with the other person near the shul in the community and near Almoz’s home and harass him with signs. The defendant was ordered held without bail pending the outcome of the trial.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. This is what “equal protection under the law” looks like in Israel. If you are a member or servant of the regime you are protected to the hilt. Any “ordinary” person would have had his threatener (and not attacker) released on bail with a distancing or restraining order but not our aristocrats. The riffraff must be educated not to challenge them in any way. So this man will sit in jail for months or even years waiting for his trial where he will experience the hospitality of the Israeli prison system. Too bad he is not an Arab terrorist. He could at least get a Ph.D. while he waits.

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