Chareidim Angered Over Housing Ministry Appointment

Chareidi lawmakers are angry over the appointment of a non-chareidi woman to head the Ministry of Housing Chareidi Division. The appointment was given to Mrs. Ilanit Alafi, a religious, but non-chareidi woman. The chareidi MKs opine the post should obviously been given to a chareidi as it would have been given to an Arab if it was the head of the Arab Division.

MK (Yahadut Hatorah) spoke with Kol Chai Radio host Betzalel Kahan, with the latter stating the appointment is absurd amid the realization that among one million chareidim in Israel, why appoint a woman who is not chareidi. “Isn’t there a single qualified chareidi person for the post” he asked.

Maklev agreed, stating if it was an Arab sector division, one would expect to see a qualified Arab appointed. He asked how it is possible that among all of the chareidim working in the Housing Ministry there is not one qualified for the post. Maklev added “Don’t think we do not wish her well. We do, but that is not the point”.

The chareidi lawmakers explain the point is that the chareidim asked to create a chareidi division in the ministry, which was created, but then a non-chareidi individual is appointed to head it – questioning the wisdom of the decision.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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