Erdan Envisions Police Body Cam Program Expansion

Minister of Public Security Gilad Erdan is a major supporter of the police bodycam program, announcing he expects Israel Police to become a world leader towards increasing transparency for citizens of Israel. Both Erdan and Police Chief Roni Alsheich support the current tender to purchase 8,000 bodycams towards equipping patrol units and traffic enforcement units in the department.

After the department’s initial pilot program and more advanced studies into the matter from National Headquarters, the decision was made to move to widespread use of bodycams. It is explained the hope is to improve interface between police and citizens, and increased transparency of police activities.

Erdan has made the bodycam project a major priority and has diverted significant funds for the project as he feels the project is perceived as an important component in increasing public trust in police. The project is budgeted by the Ministry of Public Security.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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