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IDF Confiscates A Caravan In N’vei Erez And Destroys A Building In Amona

Israeli soldiers seen near the border with the Gaza Strip, on July 21, 2014, on the fourth day of the Israeli ground invasion into Gaza Strip in order to destroy the Hamas' terror tunnels infrastructure, and the 14th day of Operation Protective Edge. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90 *** Local Caption *** èð÷éí îáöò öå÷ àéúï çééìéí îéìåàéí ùèçé ëéðåñ ùèç ëéðåñ ç÷ìàåú âáåì òæä ëðéñä ÷ø÷òéú ëðéñä ìòæä

IDF and border police forces accompanied by Civil Administration inspectors arrived at the N’vei Erez Outpost in the Binyamin Regional Council region of the Shomron this week and confiscated a caravan home being renovated by a family. The outpost is adjacent to Maale Michmas.

They then traveled to the ruins of Amona, near Ofra, and destroyed a building and confiscated materials.

Yosef Lifan explained to Kol Yehudi the caravan home was being refurbished for a married couple with three children, whose wife is expecting another. “We did not receive and orders or notification of their intent to confiscate the family’s home. “We are on state land and Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben-Dahan explained efforts are ongoing to legalize the community. We tried to prevent them from taking it [the caravan], albeit without success. They arrived at 5:00AM and confiscated the home, which contained a substantial amount of tools.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. And yet Arabs are illegally building (with the funding from the Imperialist EU) on state land and nothing is being done to destroy their building!

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