The Chilul Hashem At Kever Dovid HaMelech Continues – A Bris Is Prevented

The Chilul Hashem associated with the state giving the Vatican rights at Kever Dovid HaMelech not only continues, but worsens. There is a kollel and daily efforts to maintain and strengthen the Jewish presence as the unwanted church presence increases R”L. Many come for melave malka on motzei Shabbos to give a chizuk too.

In a recent case, a bris was about to take place when police arrived at the tziyun and informed the family they must halt to accommodate a Christian group. The mohel had already prepared the child for the mitzvah, but police would not hear of it, backed by Rabbi of the Kosel and Holy Sites Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, who explained, in this case police were correct.

The incident occurred on Monday 11 Sivan, with police announcing the tziyun was closed to accommodate a Christian group.

The bris was conducted outside the tziyun.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. If Rabinowitz approved the arrangements, how could this be a chilul hashsem? Some headline writer needs to use some common sense and not engage in this kind of inflammatory rhetoric. These arrangements were carefully studied by the government and rabbonim and were decided to be in the best interests of all parties, especially given the importance of retaining a good working relationship with Christian groups who strongly support EY’s position vis a vis the Arab demand for control over Jerusalem etc. The Christians, whether we accept it or not, have strong religious ties to this site and it must be shared with them or risk a major broigas which will hurt EY and yidden in the long-term.

  2. Sorry #1 they don’t need our holy places for them to support us. They have their own “holy places”, which they can have. They can’t take our places because they want them. This whole exchange thing was shameful.

  3. To No 2
    As I said, we can disagree but there are multiple Christian theologians (primarily evangelicals who find linkages to the “old testament”) who consider the kever of David Hamelech as a “makom kadosh” to themselves as well as yidden. The rules allowing Christian groups to pray at this site are very clear and very rarely create conflicts. This story is considerably exaggerated regarding the “inconvenience” to yidden who want to daven or hold a simcha.

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