No More Parking Meters In Bnei Brak

Parking meters are a thing of the past in Bnei Brak as of 7 Sivan. The parking meters have become outdated and too expensive to maintain and all too often, motorists were fined as they go to pay. They have been in use in the city for about twenty years, permitting paid parking in authorized blue and while curb areas.

City officials employ tens of parking inspectors to issue summonses. 16.4% of the summonses are given to city residents and 83.6% to cars registered outside of the city.

With the entry of new forms of payment into the market, the city, like others, has decided to do away with parking machines. 94% of motorists parking today use one form of technology or another including Pango and Cellopark as well as the EziPark option. Hence, continuing using parking machines is outdated, expensive and no longer cost effective.

For drivers who do not use smartphones, and there may be many in Bnei Brak, they may phone the application and pay, or opt for the EziPark method.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Another reason the erliche yidden of BB need to come into the 21st century and get a kosher smartphone with appropriate filters that allow them to access basic websites used by normal people while still protecting themselves against their yetzer haroh (which c’v might lead them to park in a no parking zone). Alternatively, they can move back to the alte heim, purchase a wagon with a mule and not have to deal with such meshugaas as parking apps).

  2. The “alte heim” is not to be disparaged. Technological advancement does not necessarily mean Torah advancement /

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