New Security Program Involves Cameras For All Of Yerushalayim

The Ministry of Public Security and Israel Police reveal the new security program for the capital, the installation of cameras around the entire city. The program is called Mabat Yerushalayim, which includes placing over 1,000 security cameras around the city, including major routes, entrances and exists.

In stage one, 130 cameras belonging to the Housing Ministry and 20 belonging to Hebrew University will be connected to the central Moked dispatch center. In stage 2, an additional 250 cameras belonging to Jerusalem City Hall will join in, and then 240 cameras which monitor the Jerusalem light rail.

Cameras will be capable of reading license plates, and they will be positioned along entrances and exits to the city as well as on major routes. A record will be made of every vehicle entering and leaving and should the need arise, the system will assist significantly in police investigations. The camera will assist in tracking down suspects in the case of an investigation.

The Ministry of Public Security does maintain cameras in cities under its “City Without Violence” program, cameras placed in strategic areas of a city after said city is studied to assess the best locale for camera placement.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. In frum neighborhoods, are they more likely to be used to arrest anti-zionist Jews, rather than Palestinian terrorists?

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