Court Extends The Remand Of Chareidi Protestor Against Chief Of IDF Personnel Branch

The Nazareth Magistrate Court on Monday, 11 Nisan, extended the remand of 40-year-old Jerusalem resident Moshe Iram, who was arrested in connection to inciteful and tasteless pashkavilim against the head of the IDF Personnel Branch, Major-General Moti Almoz and protesting out the senior officer’s home.

The harshly-worded pashkavilim said “Almoz, the head of the Manpower Branch sold his soul for money; how long will the souls of sons and daughters of Israel burn in the ovens of Auschwitz – the army of annihilation? Your din will be with me and your end will be like Mr. Hitler and his friends.”

Iram was motivated by his opposition to the induction of chareidim into the IDF. Some two weeks ago a small group of protestors gathered outside Almoz’s home in Kfar Tavor and they were disbanded since the protest was illegal.

Immediately following that protest, security cameras were installed around the senior officer’s home and a security detail was assigned to the home as well.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Its more likely that this Chareidi garbage will suffer the fate he wishes on others. Its sad that the Chareidi leadership doesn’t speak out more forcefully since these hooligans are such a tiny percentage of the tzibur but get all the media attention. I doubt there is a single rav who would condone this type of verbal assault against a respected public servant.

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