VIDEO/PHOTOS: Renewed Violence In Meah Shearim On Sunday Afternoon


Police investigators arrived in Meah Shearim late Sunday afternoon 10 Sivan. They were met with rocks, flying objects, burning garbage receptacles and shouts of “Nazis”. Roads were shut with burning garbage cans and residents look on from balconies above.

Police in riot gear as well as plainclothes officers identified by their blue police caps entered the community as the investigation into Friday’s violence continues. Police entered stores, showing photos, working to make additional arrests – persons involved in attacks against undercover police dressed as IDF soldiers.

Police on Sunday were met with burning garbage and rocks, as well as closed roads. Police cleared the burning garbage cans and opened the streets. At the time of this report, police report one officer sustained a light head injury, hit by a rock.

A police spokesman adds they did succeed in obtaining the information they were hoping to gather.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Perhaps its time to take the gloves off and engage in these zealots in the same manner as the security forces would do if this was a terrorist attack. Until they are mad to feel some pain (literally) these assaults will only increase.

  2. Hillel omer: Hevai mitalmidav shel aharon
    ohev shalom verodef shalom
    ohev es habrios umekarvan latorah.

  3. Again, the gadol hador is inciting to more violence, and even issues a veiled suggestion to fire live ammunition (“as if this was a terrorist attack”).
    Why is advocating Ahavas Yisroel always reserved for seculars, DL, etc., but somehow Chareidim never seem to deserve any? According to the gadol hador.

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