Left-Wing Human Rights Attorney Condemns Israel Police Operation In Meah Shearim

Prominent left-wing attorney and human rights activist Gabi Lesky, who is affiliated with the Yisrael Chofsheet organization, spoke to Noam Zeigler on Sunday morning after a number of guests condemned the actions of police in Meah Shearim on erev Shabbos. She was referring to the fact that persons were arrested for attacking and undercover policeman dressed as a frum IDF soldier.

When asked about filing complaints with the Justice Ministry Police Investigations Unit, attorney Lesky explained one has this option, but unfortunately, this unit needs to clean up its act too. She cited all too often, the unit will dismiss a case for what it calls a “lack of public interest”, with Lesky asking what does public interest have to do with prosecuting police brutality.


Perhaps we have to enter into dialogue regarding allegations with chareidi community. You folks are focal when Arab rights are violated but we do not hear you or your colleagues despite the difficult videos from Friday in Meah Shearim.


You are correct and this has to be examined. Perhaps we have to meet with chareidim towards establishing a working relationship.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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