Meah Shearim Resident And An Attorney Address Friday’s Violent Arrests In Meah Shearim

Yitzchak Weiss (not his real name), a resident of Meah Shearim, spoke with Noam Zeigman of Kol Berama Radio on Sunday morning 10 Sivan regarding the violence and police arrests in Meah Shearim on erev Shabbos afternoon.

The following is a synopsis of his words:

There was never an attack against Chardak involving physical violence in Meah Shearim. There where verbal attacks. I myself am opposed to the attacks. If I am wrong, please explain as to why there has not been a single criminal indictment against attackers by police. This is because there no evidence of a physical attack because there weren’t any.

Police instigate and cause confrontation. Yes, there are extremists in both Beit Shemesh and Meah Shearim – of this there is no question. They attack MKs and knock the shtreimal off the head of Meir Porush and we are aware of them.

I am aware of IDF soldiers who have entered the community and they were never physically assaulted. On Yom Yerushalayim female soldiers entered Meah Shearim in uniform with flags and she and others were not attacked. Residents know police are there. The police continue instigating until some naïve kid acts and the response is brutality and from here, the situation deteriorates quickly. This is what occurred on Friday.

They were held hands and feet for four hours and were not even given a cup of water. One asked for tissues to wipe blood from his face. Rav Shisha was hit by police. “What have we come to?” Someone must be held responsible. They may not occur again. Someone must resign his position over what occurred in Meah Shearim.

Attorney Shlomi Shabbat, who is representing eight of twelve detainees, adds the following (synopsis).

Some of what he said is true. They were help with zip ties. They were given water but not held appropriately, especially some of them being older.

There is a total of 14 detainees including 2 minors. They are separate in court as per the law.

Police charge them collectively with law-breaking including interfering with police, striking police, disturbing the peace and more. It is unlikely that the 14 will be brought back before a judge, although police have this authority. Police can also allege what they wish but proving it and persuading a court is another matter.

I believe this was done close to Shabbos as a warning sign to the community. However, we saw the court was unwilling to be a ‘rubber stamp’ for police and they were all released before Shabbos.

The court released them as the court operates up to two hours before Shabbos. To bring so many suspects so late on erev Shabbos without permitting them time for a proper hearing did not find favor with the court. The question now remains is what proof police have to substantiate the allegations against each and every suspect. It is clear as day that at least two arrests were made without any justification as proven by video, and police have to address this as well.

Israel Police spokesman for chareidi community Shabtai Gerverchik adds (Synopsis)

Months have passed and the community leaders have done nothing. Police are not operating based on popularity or support, but law-enforcement. They decision was made to begin placing undercover police in IDF uniform to apprehend those who attack them to restore law and order and a semblance of balance to the community. That is the job of police, to protect soldiers too.


There has not been a case ever in which a soldier, chareidi or otherwise, was attacked in Meah Shearim on an erev Shabbos afternoon.


The last incident occurred this Friday afternoon and it does not matter if it was a police officer [undercover who was attacked]. The attackers believed they were attacking a religious IDF soldier, a Chardak, seeing the yarmulke. The timing is irrelevant. What matters is the soldier was attacked.


Don’t you think that even if you succeed today, and you are not, months down the road a soldier will not be able to enter Meah Shearim. Are you in touch with the elders of the community? What about frum city councilman?


we do not operate in a vacuum of all or nothing but this is part of ongoing activities including Meah Shearim, in part based on intelligence information. I am also surprised regarding chareidi public officials sitting on the fence, yet over the years we do not hear condemnations when frum soldiers are attacked in recent years. The same holds true or MKs.


You are correct. We do not hear the voice of elected officials as we should but they too are under attack as they too are threatened by the extremist elements.

This most recent case documented police brutality. We saw to persons brutally attacked while taking photos.


It is clear to all that a close-up video is showing a partial picture and no way are we seeing everything taking place at the same time. The video is a partial reality of what is taking place. The videos and photos work both ways.


So this permits police brutality.


I did not say this and you know everyone has the right to file a complaint against police with the Justice Department Police Investigation Unit, however lines have been crossed. Police have the right under law to use appropriate force but here there seems to be anarchy, people who feel they have the right to assault police at will.


In my opinion, and feel one who attacks soldiers should be imprisoned for 20 years but in this case, this past erev Shabbos, police crossed the line. The timing was off and the provocation late on a Friday afternoon was unacceptable, not mention police brutality.


we will continue protecting citizens, including soldiers and religious soldiers and we will continue enforcing the law as it should be. Police have photos too and photos that you refer too are in some cases one-sided and fail to show the broader picture of what was taking place.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. They don’t care about the soldiers they are looking to justify hurting the chareidi community, physically and morally!

    Look what they do to a soldier who hits or shoots a terrorist !!!

    Enough said!!

    The Israeli police leaders and many members are violent people!

  2. Funny how the defense of the actions of Meah Shearim residents changes in the middle of the interview:

    Weiss “There was never an attack against Chardak involving physical violence in Meah Shearim. There were verbal attacks.”

    Zeigman “There has not been a case ever in which a soldier, chareidi or otherwise, was attacked in Meah Shearim on an erev Shabbos afternoon.”

    And finally, Gerverchik setting the record straight once and for all. “The last incident occurred this Friday afternoon and it does not matter if it was a police officer [undercover who was attacked]. The attackers believed they were attacking a religious IDF soldier, a Chardak, seeing the yarmulke. The timing is irrelevant. What matters is the soldier was attacked”

  3. “However, we saw the court was unwilling to be a ‘rubber stamp’ for police, and they were all released before Shabbos.” So will the overheated anti Judicial system “Trump like” rhetohric recently espoused by certain Chareidi MK’s now be more tempered? Perhaps a little appreciation for and recognition of the value of the court system and its judges would be in place.

  4. If the police want to enforce the law why aren’t they making sure ANY Jew much less a soldier,can walk or drive in an Arab neighborhood like A-tur or Ras alamud in Jerusalem without being attacked or killed???
    A fake ” haredi soldier “walking in Meah Shearim can endure insults or having Diapers thrown at him but stopping the serious continued real violence by Arabs against Jews should be the priority!

  5. The effort by this attorney to justify verbal assault on the chayalim is repulsive. So the fact they didn’t throw a brick makes it OK? These same zealots also attack chashuve rabbonim from different groups they don’t agree with. Where do you draw the line, expecially with the younger ones who grow up thinking their behavior is “normal” and condoned by their parents and rabbonim.

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