Pro-Israel Christians: If Not Now, In Six Months

Laurie Cardoza-Moore, president of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN) and Special United Nations Envoy for the World Council of Independent Christian Churches (WCICC) which represents 40 million Evangelical Christians worldwide released the following statement after US President Trump signed to once again push off moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

“Millions of Evangelical Christian Zionists are praying that God gives President Trump the courage to begin the process of moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem – the eternal, undivided Biblical capital of the re-born State of Israel. If not today then in six months – it has to happen. It was the Lord of Hosts that chose the people of Israel and Jerusalem as His Capital and it is the American people’s biblical responsibility to honor his wish.

“Having the US Embassy in Jerusalem will only bring immense blessing on the peoples of Israel and the United States of America.” Said Laurie Cardoza-Moore, president of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN) and Special United Nations Envoy for the World Council of Independent Christian Churches (WCICC) which represents 40 million Evangelical Christians worldwide.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Let’s not forget that these people believe that Israel is a portent of the Jew’s eventual acceptance of their faith. They don’t believe that Jews are the “everlasting wanderers”, but they expect us to convert as a Nation. That’s their interpretation of History.

  2. roshvrishon – you are 100% correct.
    The Evangelicals created Jews for Yushka as a way to make the conversion process r”l more palatable to Jews who for 2,000 years would rather face death than convert. The biggest appeal they have is support for Israel. Being an “am l’vodod” is hard and we crave approval of the world. Enter CUFI and Evangelicals who give the most impassioned pro-Israel speeches and “we” eat it up.

    The Xtian Bible has very few commandments. The “mitzvah -l’havdil ea”h – to convert a Jew to Xtianity is the biggest there is according to Evangelicals.

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