Netanyahu Statement Following Trump Decision To Postpone Moving Embassy

Israel’s consistent position is that the American embassy, like the embassies of all countries with whom we have diplomatic relations, should be in Jerusalem, our eternal capital.

Maintaining embassies outside the capital drives peace further away by helping keep alive the Palestinian fantasy that the Jewish people and the Jewish state have no connection to Jerusalem.

Though Israel is disappointed that the embassy will not move at this time, we appreciate today’s expression of President Trump’s friendship to Israel and his commitment to moving the embassy in the future.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Huju, FYI it was Netanyahu’s idea not to move the embassy now and Trump agreed to push it off.

    And for the record, Trump is a man of words as has been proven again and again as you know, except when Hashem says “No!” When he was running for President as a candidate, he was nothing but a simple person. Now that he’s President he got the status of “Lev melachim vesarim beyad Hashem – the hearts of kings and princes (presidents) are in the hands of Hashem” and cannot do whatever he wants. If you have a problem with that, Huju, take it up with Hashem who is maneuvering his every move. Hashem obviously does not want the non-Jewish embassy in the Holy City where the Bais Hamikdash will very soon be standing. The non-Jewish embassy should please remain near the Tel Aviv beaches.

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