PHOTOS: Pashkavil Calls To Kill IDF Officers And Chareidi Inductees R’L


Police are probing an anonymous pashkavil seen in Yerushalayim on erev Shavuos calling to kill IDF officers and chareidi inductees.

The pashkavil reads “Dear bochur/avreich, if you are forced into the shmad army, you are permitted and must do the following. Take the weapon issued and killed every female soldier and merit them with ‘יהרג ועל יעבור’ and kill each officer that keeps you by force, and killed each inductee, and kill yourself under .יהרג ועל יעבור

Other adverts offer money for shouting ‘Chardak’, while others justify attacks and the actions of the Peleg camp.

Authorities believe the pashkavil is intended to stain the Peleg campaign and its policy against induction into the military, placing them in an extremist view, far beyond their beliefs.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. I have seen the disgusting ‘chardak’ poster but calling to kill some one? I have never seen such a thing nor do I believe anyone would accept such a thing.

  2. So now advocating murder is mutar. To quote my rav when you assur things that are mutar pretty soon you’ll be matiring things that are assur.

  3. If a yid keeps every word in the שלחן ערוך, and is of the the opinion that there’s nothing wrong with going to the army in his situation, which after all we are surrounded by רוצחים and in the time of חז”ל they had those situations too and they too organized an army, even if he’s totally mistaken as there’s no comparison etc., there’s NO RIGHT to be מבזה him publicly. The חינוך they are giving their kids is a rotten on…

    למעשה they enjoy the protection of the army, (as much as the army enjoys the protection of those who actually sit and learn with true יראת שמים), not every חרדי is the biggest מתמיד and there’s no question that it would be a סכנה today to drop the army.

  4. WAIT! !
    As on the past it’s VERY VERY possible that others made this to harm peleg and make them seem extreme.
    “Authorities believe the pashkavil is intended to stain the Peleg campaign”

  5. the ‘Psak Halacha” to kill female soldiers and commit suicide is so obviously a plant to try to discredit charedim.the question is who is trying to do this???

  6. Mr. good jew, what’s so hard to believe? The pictures above speak for themselves.
    And, if somehow this does harm peleg, then all the better. Every single person that took part in the peleg protests will have to answer above for the untold theft of time and who knows what other problems they caused with their ridiculous acts. These are not learning boys at the protest, they are hoodlums dressed in yeshivish clothes. Check the videos and see how they sit there and laugh. Its all a big joke to them.
    And now, promoting murder? I hope they find the people behind these paskvillin. Too bad the Israelis are not like Singapore, where these idiots would be subjected to a good caning.

  7. BoysWork, the pashkvillim use wordings that suggest fakery. They don’t begin with the usual quotations from Eicha, for example. They follow with expressions that seem odd for Peleg people to use, like “the Israeli justice system.” The font is modern whereas you’d would expect a traditional one. The interpretation given for ייהרג ואל יעבור is weird and non-halakhic. I smell a rat.

  8. guys im with naftush-2 and others. when i got to the part where it says kill yourself bc of yarog v’al yavor i actually laughed. thats actually a ridiculous thing to say!:) so it must be fake
    YWN should be dan lkaf zechus maybe and put a flag or notice that this might be a fake letter..

  9. I can’t believe that some of you sheeples actually believe these pashkvillen are the brainchild of the anti-Peleg crowd. Do you really think we would waste our time thinking of such a twisted plan? No, this type of hate is straight out of the NK/Satmar/anti-Zionist handbook. When Satmar pays $100 a day for draft dodgers to sit, who do you think will fund these insane activities? We can’t, we are ordinary people with no official backing – just a group of residents who are sick and tired of the abuse these madmen hurl, along with rocks.

  10. I disagree with computerbubby and offer further evidence of fakery: use of the modern term ממשלת ישראל instead of the standard ממשלת הרשע or ממשלת הזדון, etc. And a call to “the public” followed by a message aimed at the very few haredim who enlist willingly (התגייסות). NK/Satmar have a longer history and a better vocabulary than that, not that I agree with a bit of it.

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