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Blood Drive in Ramat Shlomo

blood.jpgUnfortunately, the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood of Yerushalayim has seen a number of illnesses in the past year. On more than one occasion, Ramat Shlomo residents who required blood transfusions turned to local blood banks, only to be told that there was no blood available.

This year, Magen David Adom has asked Hatzolah Israel of Ramat Shlomo to organize a blood drive due to another serious blood shortage in the blood banks. The drive will take place in the simcha hall of the Chazon Ish Shul in Ramat Shlomo on Monday, December 17, 2007 between  6PM to 11PM.

One Response

  1. When visiting Eretz Yisroel go to the MDA and donate blood it is essential. Wish there were ‘shakers and bakers’ to get this moving in the holyland as it is done in New York on a monthly basis. Blood is needed always, donate when in Israel.

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