MK Eichler Attacked The Media At The Appointment Of New Communications Minister

“The media controlled communism and encouraged the river of blood of the “Arab spring”.

In a speech at the appointment of Minister Ayoub Kara, MK Rabbi Yisrael Eichler attacked the hypocrisy of “advocates of democracy” who turned the media into a tool of dictatorship of the judiciary and bureaucracy.

“My congratulations to the new Minister of Communications, my old friend Ayoub Kara The media is the most important ministry in the very tense relation between the democratic system of government and the dominant dictatorial hegemony of public discourse, the media is a key component in the destruction of democracy and the empowerment of dictators and officials, like prosecutors, police officers, and senior officials, who can abuse civilians as individuals and minorities, all under the auspices of the propaganda of the subjective media, “said MK Rabbi Yisrael Eichler.

“The media throughout history brought the largest revolutions, some of them brought salvation and freedom to the world, while most of them caused destruction and bloodshed in the world. In the distant past, propaganda in the media created communism, let alone Nazism, which without the media would not have swept tens of millions of people into a moral abyss. On the other hand, the media has weakened dictatorial regimes and stopped them from abusing the weak. Hence the media is a tool for evil or good. It is not for nothing that the media is called in Hebrew klei tikshoret (which can translate to ‘a dish of communication’). The media is like a dish, it all depends what is served in it. Therefore, as the new Minister of Communications you have a very important role to play in ensuring that the media will indeed be a conveying the truth and not lies. A media that reports and not one that creates a reality, as seen through the eyes of the moderator and editor.

Here is an example: For many years, the media has strengthened the status of the attorney general. This was in order to weaken the elected government. Even when the attorney general became from a mere prosecutor to an adviser to the government which enabled a tyrant like Aharon Barak to overthrow a prime minister, Rabin, the media loved it. Then he took control of the courts and uprooted democracy, he transferred control to the prosecutors, judges and police officers, who descended to the lives of innocent civilians, falsely correcting versions and lies in the court, so that a citizen had no savior. In the public sphere too, Barak gave a small group of the extreme left, control of the people and the state. The decision of the High Court of Justice to annul the laws of the Knesset and cause civil wars culminated legal dictatorship in place of parliamentary democracy, and at that time it was forbidden to speak against the attorney general and his cronies.

Today these leftists protest against the attorney general, specifically in front of his house. Why? Because he does not put the prime minister on trial to please the people who want to overthrow him. All this is done with the help of the media, which intensifies these demonstrations and conceals public anger on other issues they do not like.

Therefore, now that Minister Karah will take the media portfolio, he must make sure that it will cease to be a dictatorship and start advocating the freedom of speech, not freedom of contempt, freedom of expression for all and not just a certain section and a certain opinion. With God’s help, you will do it with dignity and pride. This will be an honor not only for the Druze community but also for the entire State of Israel and the people of Israel as a whole. Good luck,” said MK Rabbi Yisrael Eichler.

One Response

  1. The NY Times has been caught in many a lie.

    This NY Times phony “Sale ends soon” promotion has been going on for three years so far.

    Read the whoppers below.

    They are desperate and on the road to bankruptcy.

    The New York Times had a circulation of 573,651 as of March 2017.

    The Wall Street Journal had 1,180,499 for the same date—more than twice as much as the NY Times!

    *NOTE: Circulation data from AAM Quarterly. Pew Research Center: Political Polarization & Media Habits.

    “The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda.”
    —Michael Crichton in a Science Fiction talk in 2003

    “You’re not buying news when you buy The New York Times, you’re buying judgment.
    —Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, NY Times

    Trust the NY Times judgment?

    How’s this?

    The “Useful Idiot” Punch Sulzberger was the one when asked
    “If an American soldier runs into a North Vietnamese soldier, which would you like to see get shot?” answered:

    “I would want to see the American get shot. It’s the other guy’s country.”

    South Vietnam was not the North Vietnamese man’s country. The North Vietnamese was the invading enemy.

    We thought we were buying unbiased reporting not Russian-style Pravda propaganda. Poor judgment in predicting Hillary Clinton winning the presidency by an 84% margin.

    “My conclusion is simple. Nepotism works.
    —Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, NY Times

    Which leads to rubber-stamping O.K.s that lines up with the Times immoral LGBT and sexual anarchy propaganda agenda.

    The Russian media “Pravda” has less propaganda and slanted news than the NY Times.

    NBC News reported; “Before talking about own first 100 days, Trump told the crowd he first wanted to rate the media’s record during his presidency.
    Trump named two newspapers by name, the New York Times and the Boston Globe, in his attacks.
    “Take the totally failing New York Times. Pretty soon they’ll only be on the internet,” Trump said. “The paper is getting smaller and smaller — it’s starting to look like a comic book.””

    The NY Times is a leader in purposely misleading statements—including their biased executives, editors, and writers.

    That’s why they need a constant baby-sitting Ombundsman to watch their editors and reporters and report on them to keep them from lying.

    The NY Times has lost touch with its core readers.

    They are luring readers in by fear-mongering and an agenda of prurient interest no better than The National Inquirer—many times much worse. It has daily LGBT propaganda articles and never has even one as to why most of the 7,500,000,000 people in the world believe these practices are immorally deviant or illegitimate.

    Latest bulletin:

    On December 16, 2016, the NY Times announced that it was vacating at least floors of staff in order to generate “rental income.”

    Publisher, Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and President and CEO Mark Thompson wrote in a note to Times employees Friday;
    “We’ve made the decision to consolidate our footprint across the building to create a more dynamic, modern and open workplace, one that is better suited to the moment. We’re planning significant investments in a redesign of our existing space in order to facilitate more cross-departmental collaboration. We expect a substantial financial benefit as well. All told, we will vacate at least eight floors, allowing us to generate significant rental income.”

    So the NY Times is in Real Estate these days.

    Their excuse was they said that the publisher and CEO’s offices, along with other large corner offices, will disappear as part of the redesign.
    “We don’t need to preserve those vestiges from a different era, so we won’t.”


    16% loss in ad revenues in the last quarter has nothing to do with it.

    30% total loss in ad revenues for 2016.

    Laura Boldrini, Speaker of Italy’s lower house of parliament said,
    “Fake news is a critical issue and we can’t ignore it. We have to act now.”

    Let’start with the biggest violater.

    (NOTE: The fine print on all NY Times subscription offers says its ‘auto renewal’ is at a higher rate).

    The NY Times claimed in November 2016 that there was a “surge” of 100,000 new subscriptions gained through artificial respiration to save the paper.

    Some examples:

    The price of the daily Monday through Saturday paper is $2.50.

    Sunday’s paper is $5.00 in New York City and $6.00 for the rest of the country.

    Do the arithmetic for the following discount offers:

    What their management failed to tell us is that the”surge” may have been attributed to the promotion they have been running for years offering “99¢ for four weeks.”

    Another discount offer was “50% off for one-year subscriptions.”

    One annual subscription promotion at half-price allows you to add two friends for a two additional free annual subscriptions as well.

    Added artificial respiration comes to the NY Times with a promotion to
    “Sponsor a student subscription today” an appeal to the tenderness of parents, family, friends, or other liberals aiding the cause,

    The 2016 end-of-year”Holiday Sale” offered 12 weeks of the Times for $6.

    Online advertisement by The NY Times begging for subscriptions:
    “Your support is crucial to our mission”

    What is the NY Times mission?

    More propaganda for nude photos, indecent language, LGBTs, porno, filth, deviant sex, paraphilia, etc.

    “Really? This is not the New York Times, it is more like a 1970’s Mother Jones kind of attempt at changing norms in our culture.

    Thanks, but no thanks.

    “It is not journalism, that’s for sure.”

    They have lost touch and have come to readers begging for unpaid ideas as seen on their digital front page:

    Begging for help from its readers because they are bankrupt for ideas.

    “Got a confidential news tip?”

    With 1,000+ journalists they need news tips?

    “The New York Times offers several ways to get in touch with and provide materials to our journalists [at no cost to the Times].”

    “Do you have the next big story? Want to share it with The New York Times? We offer several ways to get in touch with and provide materials to our journalists. No communication system is completely secure, but these tools can help protect your anonymity. We’ve outlined each below, but please review any app’s terms and instructions as well. Please do not send feedback, story ideas, pitches or press releases through these channels. For more general correspondence visit our contact page.”

    In answer to Kellyanne Connor’s “alternative facts” reply on how big the crowd was at Trump’s inaugural, the Times stated:
    “No alternatives, just facts.”
    Facts as the NY Times editorial board agenda decides for you.

    “Truth. It’s hard to find. But it’s easier with 1,000+ journalists looking,”
    “Find the truth with us.”
    Not when your journalists are liberal liars!

    More recent online self-advertisement for the Times:
    “Journalism that matters. More essential than ever.”
    Then changed to:
    “Independent Journalism. More essential than ever.”
    Then changed to:
    “Real Reporting. Real News.”
    Then changed to:
    “Independent. Trusted. Real.”
    “Unprecedented times. Uncompromising journalism.”
    “Truth. It’s grounded in facts.”
    [More like ground up in facts]
    “Truth. It demands your support.”
    “Truth is hard to find. But is easier with 1,000+ journalists looking.”
    [The 1000+ are looking to support the NY Time biases and agendas.]
    “Get the real story.”
    “Real Journalism. Like nowhere else.”
    “The truth is more important now than ever.”

    Qualities you won’t find at The New York Times.

    That’s why subscribers are dropping their subscriptions to the NY Times and subscribing to other media—and why readers are no longer buying this rag on the newsstands.

    Arthur S. Brisbane in his final column as the NY Times public editor (ombudsman, a position solely created in the wake of the Times 2003’s Jayson Blair scandal) said this,

    “Across the paper’s many departments, though, so many share a kind of political and cultural progressivism — for lack of a better term — that this worldview virtually bleeds through the fabric of The Times.”

    The Times deals mostly with liberal or “progressive” propaganda. That’s why they predicted an 84% win by Hillary Clinton and missed the triumph of Trump for the presidency.

    The worst thing that can happen to one of the media is to become irrelevant.

    The NY Times doesn’t matter anymore.

    They no longer represent even the liberal agenda.

    Their advertising went down 30% the last quarter of 2014.

    Their advertising went down 19% the last quarter of 2016.

    They are going the way of the dinosaur—if they are not there already.

    As NY Times columnist Charles M. Blow, the name-caller, would write; “Morons and idiots at work owned and managed by incompetent imbeciles.”

    The New York Times Titanic.


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