Shock at Hadassah Following Petira of Senior Physician

Doctors at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital last week were shocked to hear of the death of a colleague, a young one at that, not to mention the circumstances surrounding his death. His petira was the second in pediatric medicine in recent months.

Dr. Eitan Gross, head of the Pediatric Oncological Surgery was only 58 at the time of his death. The senior physician complained of not “feeling himself” and he went to his office to lay down for a bit on Thursday, 3 Sivan 5772. His lifeless body was found in the office later in the day. It appears that he sustained a massive myocardial infarction and was unable to summon assistance. CPR and advanced life support was implemented but it was soon realized that the life saving efforts were too late.

Gross z”l was known as a senior pediatrician in Israel, known for his research and a number of pioneering treatments. His petira marks the second senior pediatrician to die in the hospital in recent months. A number of months ago, Dr. Ido Yatziv who headed the Pediatric ICU was niftar at the age of 57.

Dr. Gross’ levaya was held on erev Shabbos in the Professors’ section in Givat Shaul with colleagues pointing out the two senior physicians were good friends both in and out of the workplace.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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