Police Called After Talmidei Yeshiva Block Construction Equipment

The confrontation between talmidim from the Heichal Eliezer Yeshiva in Elad headed by Rabbi Mordechai Broida and construction workers hired by Mosdos Chernobyl continued on Sunday morning, 3 Sivan. Talmidim blocked construction vehicles compelling police to respond to the scene.

The area in question is the subject of machlokes between the two litvish yeshiva and the chassidus.

On Friday, there was a major confrontation between the sides. The talmidim claimed the Arab workers who came to destroy the beis medrash struck the rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Mordechai Broida.

The chassidus explains that they have building permits for the area which includes a portion of the beis medrash.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. The article really doesn’t explain the facts sufficiently to allow an informed opinion. Sounds like some intramural litvish/chassidish broigas but the arab demolition team could care less. The rav should stay out of the way so he doesn’t get hurt but if they have a building permit, they ave the right to do whatever they want within the terms of the permit.

  2. yep, chernobyl hired 15 arabs who locked the bochurim in their dorms and then came in to the beis medrash on friday night and vandalized the place, like only arabs know how to.
    i can only imagine what tzaar this is causing HKB”H…

  3. Gadolahdorah – you gotta point… but the fact of bringing in arabs to demolish a beis medrash is pure rish’us

  4. To Chilliworker: None of the Israeli media verify your allegation that the yungerleit were “locked into their dormitory” but perhaps you were on the scene and know better. As to using Arab workers, about 2 or 3 construction laborers in EY are arab, especially in low-skill demolition work. There is nothing under Halacha that requires use of frum yidden to demolish a building previously used as a shul or beis medrash once any item of kedushah has been removed. It happens almost frequently in EY and most of the workers are arabs.

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