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Bush Delays Embassy Move For Another 6 Months

bush22.jpgFor the 12th time, US President Bush has invoked a waiver preventing the transfer of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

In a memorandum to US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, President Bush wrote:

Pursuant to the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section 7(a) of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-45) (the “Act”), I hereby determine that it is necessary to protect the national security interests of the United States to suspend for a period of 6 months the limitations set forth in sections 3(b) and 7(b) of the Act. My Administration remains committed to beginning the process of moving our Embassy to Jerusalem.

You are hereby authorized and directed to transmit this determination to the Congress, accompanied by a report in accordance with section 7(a) of the Act, and to publish the determination in the Federal Register.

This suspension shall take effect after transmission of this determination and report to the Congress.

George W Bush


14 Responses

  1. what a spineless lemming…

    (quite frankly, who really cares if they move the embassy to Yerushalayim. Ein Lonu Mi L’Hisho’en Elo Al Aveinu Sh’Bashomayim….)

  2. IF THE EMBASSY WERE IN YERUSHOLAYIM (JERUSALEM) Then it would be harder for them to slice up the city or to allow the “palestinians” to make it R”L their “capital” Bush is afraid of the Arabs. Yisroel B’tach b’HASHEM

  3. Typical, cowardly act.
    Right now after he promised the 21 Arab States that peace is around the corner, the act of moving the embassy to JErusalem, would have thrown Condi into a tizzy.

  4. I am certainly no fan of the Clintons but not Nixon, Carter, Bush I, or any of our Fearless Leaders moved the Embassy to Yerushalayim.

    Still, I have yet to see the Clintons do anything moral or good for anyone except themselves & illegals. And Hillary will never challenge the Arabs…make no mistake, she may not like them much, but she HATES us. I heard that, with examples, from one of her staffers. I cannot give you proof, the staffer is afraid for her safety, so I’m sure there are people who won’t believe me. Too bad.

  5. who remembers what Mike Huckabee said (I think the article with a picture was on YW)?? He said that he would def. move the embassy!!

    But then again, before he was leading in polls, some people on YW were asking why the frum guy in the picture was wasting his time and money on a sure loser…. Just goes to show…

  6. All the talk by politicians about this are hot air. No one intends to carry it out.

    I would appreciate a candidate who would be honest and say that they won’t do it for security reasons or some such.

  7. Can anyone enlighten us as to what difference it would make to anyone and anything if the embassy were to be moved to Yerushalayim?

  8. Poor Bush. He is plotzing to leave a legacy for his administration so he pushes Israel around in every way possible dreaming that there will really be peace with the terrorists. He doesn’t realize that if he simply had the guts to finally move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem as instructed by Congress, that would be his true and only legacy, after all the other chickens before were gutless.

  9. Didn’t I say quite clearly that I don’t expect people to believe what I say? And at the request of my contact I am unable to divulge my source.

    Town Crier, I respectfully suggest you re-read what I said. I am NOT talking about public, politically expedient statements. I am talking about Hillary off the record, privately expressing her views about Jews & Arabs, both separately and together.

    Lastly, if my “awful, thoughtless statements” are what really upset you, you must live a very happy & secure life. It is truly refreshing, not to say rare, to correspond with someone who is not disturbed by the horrors of the world in which we live, but by an altere bubby who expresses an opinion about a candidate running for office.

  10. “Can anyone enlighten us as to what difference it would make to anyone and anything if the embassy were to be moved to Yerushalayim?”
    If you are a new blogger then check out the archives on this question, its been gone over, done over, and redone several times already.

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