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Yerushalayim: Child Struck By Bus – Tehillim Request

hatzolah israel.jpgAt approximately 9:00PM after Shabbos, MDA Jerusalem Dispatch received a call for an accident near the entrance to Har Nof in Yerushalayim.

Hatzolah Israel arrived on the scene to find a 15-year-old boy who was riding his bicycle, and was R”L hit by a bus. He was unconscious, with a pulse, and barely breathing. He had a serious head injury, as noticed from the windshield of the bus being smashed from the force of this boy’s head colliding with it.

An MDA ambulance transported the boy to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital Trauma Center.

In the Hospital, he was found to have a torn spleen, bleeding in his brain and stomach, and remains in grave condition.

Please be Mispallel for Moshe Yair ben Tamar.

Yoel Polak, a Hatzolah Israel volunteer who was one of the first on the scene recounts that he “found a 15 year old boy lying on the floor in a pool of blood around his head, next to his bicycle that had sustained extensive damage from the force of the collision. One can only wonder what would have been if he had been wearing a helmet.”

Hatzolah Israel reminds the public of the extreme importance of always wearing a helmet when driving a bicycle. It can make the difference between Life and Death!

One Response

  1. Oy, this boy should have a refuah shelima! Everyone must wear a helmet! My brother in law was hit by a car while on a bike. His helmet cracked instead of his head and his life was spared. Hashem should help this boy!

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