Chief Rabbi Of S. Africa Calls For Fasting And Tefilos Due To Drought

Due to severe drought conditions in areas of S. Africa, Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein is calling for tefilos and fasting from community members in the hope of Rachmei Shomayim for badly-needed rainfall.

Following is an email message sent by Rabbi Goldstein:

Dear Friends,

The drought in the Western Cape is serious. Dam levels are very low and the region desperately needs rain.

Our sages teach us that in drought, as in all situations of crisis, it is important to turn to Hashem for His blessings, as well as to introspect and find areas to improve in our daily lives.

This week Thursday, 25 May, is a significant day. It is the day before Rosh Chodesh and is known in our tradition as Yom Kippur Katan – a miniature Yom Kippur.

In light of the current circumstances, I would like to call on as many members of the community who feel able to, to undertake a half-day fast, from daybreak to midday (12:44pm in Cape Town and 12:05pm in Johannesburg) this Thursday. This fasting should be accompanied by thoughts of introspection, as well as heartfelt prayers to Hashem.

All who are able to should participate, even those who do not live in the Cape area, as an act of solidarity, care and concern for our broader community.

May Hashem bring the rains of blessing to the Western Cape.

Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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