PHOTOS: Chareidi Soldiers Save Resident Of The Shomron


Last Thursday, Aharon K., a resident of the Aish Kodesh settlement in the Gush Shilo area of the Shomron set out to work as usual toward his office in Israel’s Central District. On his way, his car was hit by a barrage of rocks, causing extensive damage to the vehicle. Soldiers from the Netzach Yehuda Battalion (Nachal Chareidi) who arrived on the scene drove away the terrorists, saving the life of Aharon, a father of five.

Aharon shares, “On Thursday morning, on my way to work, I was attacked by terrorists. People who don’t know me, who have no idea who I am, tried to murder me in cold blood on a road close to my house. They pummeled me with rocks from all directions. My car is totaled, but I’m alive. The soldiers from Netzach Yehuda (Nachal Chareidi) arrived in minutes and chased after the terrorists. I’m alive and well thanks to them.”

In the last years, the Kochav HaShachar region has been the scene of sporadic violent terror attacks, which on several occasions, miraculously ended with no injuries. In July 2015, a shooting incident was reported from a car passing by Kochav HaShachar. The victim’s car sustained three bullet marks, but the driver returned fire, and the terrorists fled.

The Netzach Yehuda Battalion, which is stationed in the Binyamin region, was recently visited by IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott. In the course of his visit, Eizenkott commended the Chareidi soldiers and expressed that he “admires them for their perseverance.”

Nachal Chareidi Foundation rabbis declare that “Chareidi soldiers prove, time and again, that this is a winning combination that succeeds from all aspects, and that army service, religious observance and spiritual values are not contradictory, but on the contrary, boost each other.”

Photo: Victim with chareidi soldier

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo Credit: Nachal Chareidi Foundation)

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