PHOTOS: What Was Served At The Dinner Hosted By PM Netanyahu And His Wife For President Trump And The First Lady?


While President Trump’s visit to Jerusalem was a short one, it was quite packed with appearances, including the unprecedented visit to the Kosel, becoming the first president to visit the Kosel while serving in office.

The food prepared for the state leaders at the officer dinner was prepared by Chef Segev Moshe.

The menu as follows:

Taste of America

Hamburger, fries, rice and Kale chips aside ketchup, beets and mustard aioli

The path to peace

Caramelized salmon fillet in refined miso, well grilled, served with beets and sprouts

Lifting the world

Beef fillet in barbeque sauce, foie gras with red curry, served aside creamed potatoes, grilled spinach and herbs


Fillet sea fish with green asparagus, served with corn soup, red chili, mirin and coconut

The big apple

Hot chocolate cake with a crunch, coconut and gold, Israeli ‘malabi’ with wild berries and crispy coconut and colored meringue – coffee, chocolate and halva pralines – purple crunchy apple pie and cinnamon


Castel Grande Vine 2013

Castel Blanc 2015

Chev Segev Moshe

26 Iyar 5777

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. Does the PM’s official residence have its own hashgacha or do they rely upon someone provided by the rabbanus?? I presume that all official functions are “kosher” notwithstanding the PM’s personal hashkafah.

  2. Gadol, as long as the food was tasty President Trump and the First Lady do not care which hashgacha the PM has.

  3. Why do you hope the wine was Mevushal? The table had Non Jews and Irreligious Jews who do not give one iota about Halacha.

  4. RichardM: And what would be the issue if they wash their mouths out in between? Just as one eats fish, rinses his/her mouth and then eats meat, so to one can eat meat, rinse mouth, and then eat fish.

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