VIDEOS/PHOTOS: President And Mrs. Trump At Yad Vashem


President Trump and First Lady Trump Participate in a Wreath Laying Ceremony at Yad Vashem on Tuesday, 27 Iyar 5777.

In addition, the second video is of President Trump’s address on the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Mr. Netanyahu, as the Prime Minister of the Jewish country, you need to learn from President Trump to put G-d in your speeches.

  2. Not Getting involved: “don’t be holier than the pope” if it is good enough for the Chief Rabbi of Israel [who BTW was one of the speakers at the last Siyum Ha’shas] then it should be good enough for everyone. Joking… maybe Rabbi Yair Hoffman next article will cover this.

  3. I have asked this before and I must ask it again: Is it necessary for gentiles to wear a kippah when they visit a synagogue or other “Jewish” site?

  4. Huju, it’s not halachah but if a kipa is a mode of dress in holy sites, one who’s a mentsch would wear it as a sign of respect.

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