White House Puts ‘Jerusalem, Israel’ On Its Website

The White House has put “Jerusalem, Israel,” on its website.

U.S. policy doesn’t hold that the city is part of Israel. Rather, Democratic and Republican administrations have said Jerusalem’s status must be solved through U.S. negotiation.

A screen previewing upcoming statements by President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noted the location as “Jerusalem, Israel.”

No explanation was given for the dateline.

The Trump administration had said ahead of the president’s trip that he wouldn’t recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, a pledge he made during the campaign.

But people familiar with Trump’s trip said officials might offer a subtler gesture to recognize Israel’s strong feelings about Jerusalem being its eternal capital.


5 Responses

  1. Israel, the Zionist State, is a political entity. It (is not Jewish and) does not have anything “eternal”.
    Jews, on the other hand, who are eternal, pray towards Jerusalem, eternally.

  2. We have to be careful with President Trump. Even though I voted for him, I do not trust him when it comes to Israel. He has surrounded himself with anti semites like GEn. MAttis and McMasters. We have to speak out and let him know that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

  3. In lieu of moving the embassy and allowing expansion of “settlements” and giving a huge package of sophisticated military equipment to Saudi Arabia, gee thanks Donald

  4. If you are worried about something the President says, take a deep breadth, count for minyan (not one, not two etc) and by the time you check your Twitter account for a second time, the policy or position will have changed.

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