Chabad Shul In Meah Shearim Vandalized Last Friday Night

When mispallalim in the Chabad Shul in Meah Shearim arrived in shul last Shabbos, they were shocked and horrified to see that vandals entered on Friday night and vandalized the premises including damaging walls, bulletin boards and taking seforim.

The attack was detected when Rav Tzvi Chanun came back as he usually does, to lock the shul as well as to tidy up for Shachris. When he arrived he saw what had occurred.

His son Mendy stated the Chabad Shul serves as a bastion of light for so many in Yerushalayim and on Shabbos alone, hundreds benefit from the shul and Toras Chassidus.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. One would think any non-chareidi vandals would quickly stand out in an area like meah shearim on a Friday night

  2. meah she’arim has become a tourist spot – groups of tourists come – also on friday night…
    not only that, plenty yeshivos in the area have cleaners or goyim who deal with giving out the food, dishes, laying tables etc. so not necessarily would a non frum vandal stick out

  3. #2: Unfortunately, given that the location is Meah Shearim, not necessarily would the vandals be non-“frum” either….

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