WATCH: PM Netanyahu Comments On Pashkavilim Against IDF Chief Of Personnel Branch

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu echoed the words of Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, condemning pashkavilim against IDF Chief of Personnel Branch Major-General Moti Almoz. the pashkavilim decry ongoing efforts to compel chareidim to serve in the military.

At the start of the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, 25 Iyar, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu commented on the pashkavilim in front of the media saying, “I would also like to comment on events that took place over the weekend. Again, there was an assault, in this case on IDF Chief of Personnel Branch, by an extremist faction that does not represent the chareidi public, but I view these assaults with utmost severity. The State of Israel, the IDF, are the only thing that separates between the fate of our people in the past and the future that is assured to us today. The IDF protects all citizens of Israel, including this small and extremist faction that denies the State of Israel and the people’s army, and which does not represent the chareidi public. I expect all public leaders to condemn these phenomena and this incitement.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Here in the U.S. it’s called democracy. You don’t get to label and act against free speech. Even if you don’t agree with it. Benji, If you can’t just let this anonymous demonstration utilize the first amendment of the constitution, don’t proclaim to be the only democracy in the middle east. You don’t get to be a democracy and decide who you’re unafraid of, and deny their right to demonstrate.

    I think they did the right thing to demonstrate anonymously. Imagine with this response for anonymous, how they would suffer were they not anonymous

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