Pashkavilim Against IDF Chief Of Personnel Branch Elicit The Ire Of Many

Pashkavilim appears last week near the home of IDF Chief of Personnel Branch Major-General Moti Almoz. The pashkavilim called on him to stop the induction of chareidim into the IDF.

The harshly-worded pashkavilim say “Almoz, the head of the Manpower Branch sold his soul for money; how long will the souls of sons and daughters of Israel burn in the ovens of Auschwitz – the army of annihilation? Your din will be with me and your end will be like Mr. Hitler and his friends. ”

מוטי אלמוז ראש אכ”א, המוכר נשמתו בעבור בצע כסף. עד מתי תשרוף נשמות בני ובנות ישראל בכבשונות האוישוויץ – צבא השמד. דע לך ! (כך במקור ש.ו) כי אית דין ואית דיין. סופך יהיה מר כהיטלר וחבריו

Responding, Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated “The incitement against the head of the Manpower Branch is intolerable and represents crossing a red line. We may not accept such a dangerous phenomenon. I call on police and the State Prosecutor’s Office to use the full weight of the law against these criminals. I give my full backing to Major-General Almoz”.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott spoke with Almoz, expressing disgust over the pashkavilim, joining Lieberman in calling on law enforcement authorities to act to apprehend those responsible.

Almoz called for a “Hard hand” response to the Peleg Yerushalmi and its leaders.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. General Almoz is a tough character and I doubt these vile pashkavilim will deter him from his challenging job of assuring full staffking for the security forces. Those who have been promoting these violent demonstrations and threats against the security forces, whether askanim, rabbonim or simply street thugs, are the ones who will hopefully suffer the fate they predict for the brave chayalim of the IDF.

  2. Sorry Mr.Almoz, but in a democracy people are supposed to be able to express their opinions, even if it’s against the establishment.

  3. Haven’t heard anything from the Peleg children recently, what has happened? Are they massing to stop President Trump’s motorcade on the way to Yad Vashem?

  4. Things like this always arouse suspicions of being sting jobs, that these pashkavilim were really put out by government agents and then played up by the media in order to make groups that they’re afraid of look bad and provide excuses to crack down on their legal and legitimate activities to promote awareness of Rav Shach’s psak that any form of military service is yeheirag v’al ya’avor. The government has admitted that the real reason they want Chareidim in the army is to “change their values” and “integrate them into mainstream Israeli society”, rather than because their contribution to the national defence is important. The government’s real concern is about the “malignant demographic” trend that in another few decades Chareidim will be a majority of the Jewish population and will not share Zionist culture and ideology. An expose on Channel 2 television a few years ago revealed that Chareidim form a minority of draft evaders (about 13%), with most evaders coming from left wing elements who don’t believe in what the army’s doing anyway and would never consider serving in it. The television report documented how they hire psychiatrists to coach them how to act crazy and the army lets them get away with it. There’s a lot more to be said about this, but people should be aware that stories like this distort the real picture.

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