Chief Rabbinate Fails To Maintain Updated List Of Mohelim

The Chief Rabbinate of Israel fails to update its list of mohelim, Yediot Achronot reports, explaining some mohelim who have been suspended still appear on the list of certified mohelim.

The report documents that while a mohel’s license may have been suspended, this is not reflected in the list which one may access on the Chief Rabbinate of Israel website, which many do after a son is born in search of a licensed approval mohel.

Leading to the report is the publication of minutes from the Rabbinate’s Committee overseeing mohelim, in which errors made by a mohel are discussed and at times, documenting the revocation of his license to practice. However, the Rabbinate doesn’t bother to update its list of recommended mohelim, which is made available to the public.

YWN-ISRAEL adds that even if a mohel’s license is suspended, it is not always due to his performance, but for failing to properly supervise a mohel student or in another case, performing a bris on an 11-month-old, which the law requires be done by a physician.

Officials responsible for the Rabbinate oversight committee insists the moment a mohel’s license is suspended, his name is removed from the recommended list. However, Yediot’s report shows this not to be the case.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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