Chareidi Faction Heads In Knesset To Discuss Shas’ Kosel Plan

Chareidi faction heads in Knesset; Aryeh Deri, Moshe Gafne and Yaakov Litzman met in Knesset on Wednesday afternoon, 21 Iyar. Rav of the Kosel & Holy Site Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz Shlita also attended the meeting.

The meeting surrounded their objections to an egalitarian prayer area near the Kosel, having to provide an alternate plan to the cabinet. The matter is awaiting a ruling from the High Court of Justice. The chareidi coalition partners have drawn their line in the sand, explaining they will not tolerate the egalitarian prayer area and the Kosel must remain under the exclusive control of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and Orthodox practice.

One of the problems the chareidim are facing is Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit is not a fan of the current bill. Deri however is confident the bill will pass in Knesset and become reality.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu continues to stall, preferring to be ‘bound’ by a High Court ruling, which is most unlikely to be found acceptable by the chareidim. Nevertheless, he will point a finger of blame at the court, hoping to save his coalition.

If the court announces its ruling, then the vote on the bill supported by the chareidi lawmakers will most likely be another bill to circumvent the High Court’s ruling.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. The government (including the Chareidi MKs in the cabinet at that time) agreed to a compromise plan in response to the Court order over a year ago but has failed to follow through on its commitments. Netanyahu should keep his word and do what he said should be done to accommodate the conflicting needs of the various constituencies. Its time to implement an agreed upon plan filed with the Court and move on.

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