Some Numbers Ahead Of The 50th Yom Yerushalayim

The following information, sent to the Jerusalem Municipality spokesman unit, was compiled in part by the Jerusalem Institute for Policy Studies.

This 28 Iyar will mark the 50th Yom Yerushalayim, the liberation of Yerushalayim from Jordanian occupation in the June 1967 Six Day War. The following statistics shows growth in the capital.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat adds, “Marking the 50th year of uniting Jerusalem, Jerusalem continues to blossom and grow in the fields of education, high tech, culture, business and all areas of life. “We launched an unprecedented effort in 2017 to increase quality of life and will continue investing in all areas of life”.

Following a decade of decline, in the six last years there has been an increase in the number of talmidim in the city’s Zionist education schools. During the six-year period the number of first graders increased by 26% in the Zionist schools in the capital from 3,842 to 4,853.

The institute documents that high tech in Jerusalem has grown in the past two years by 28% as opposed to a national increase of 8%.

The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) reports that 92% of Jerusalem residents are satisfied with their lives.

As Israel marks 50 years since the liberation, some numbers documenting the city’s increase in many areas.

  • In the past six years, there has been a 26% increase in the number of first graders in Zionist school from 3,842 to 4,853.
  • In the past six years, there has been a steady increase of 13% in the number of students in seventh grade in the Zionist sector, from 2,770 to 3,124.
  • In the two-year period from 2013 to 2015, there has been a 28% increase in high tech jobs in the city from 14,400 to 18,500.
  • 78% of tourists visiting Israel in 2016 visited the capital and 51% of tourists visiting also spent a night in the capital.
  • 2,534 building permits were issued in 2016 as opposed to 2,262 in 2015.
  • In the past two years, 140 playgrounds have been upgraded and 50 more are planned for 2017.
  • 3,118 new immigrants moved to Jerusalem in 2016. 18,577 made Jerusalem their home since 2011.
  • The CBS reports 92% of Jerusalemites are satisfied with their lives (93% among Jews & 89% among Arabs), a b it higher than the national average of 88%.
  • 35% of the city’s residents view themselves as chareidim.
  • 21% of the city’s residents view themselves as secular.
  • 52.4% of residents were part of the working force in 2016 as opposed to 64.1% nationwide.
  • Only 34% of eligible 12 grade students earn a matriculation exam, almost half of the national average; 64%.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. What a relief to learn that there’s an increase in student registration in Zionist schools … Nothing in this report relates in any way to the growth of the Chareidi population in Yerushalayim. I wonder why? I also wonder (although I probably shouldn’t) why an ostensibly Chareidi website acts as a mouthpiece for the forces that want to see Yerushalayim as secularized as possible. Is it so that then, when some new restaurant or “entertainment venue” opens up (cv”s) on Shabbos, YWN can cynically ask why the Chareidi members of the city council “aren’t doing anything about it.” But, on the other hand, when the Chareidi community (rabble?) does rise up to protest it, you’ll have what to say about their lack of Ahavas Yisroel, insulting policemen, etc. As you know, dancing simultaneously at two chassanas is a tricky business.

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