VIDEO: Litzman: Making An Issue Of The Extremists Only Intensifies Their Motivation


Health Minister Yaakov Litzman related to the burning of chareidi IDF soldiers in effigy in Meah Shearim during Lag B’Omer bonfires. Speaking with Reshet Bet Radio on Monday morning 19 Iyar, Litzman explained “making an issue of the actions of these extremists only services to intensify their strength and encourage them”.

Litzman did not mince words, strongly condemning the actions of those who took part in the fiasco in Meah Shearim, which he feels is absolutely unacceptable.

The discussion then shifted to chilul Shabbos surrounding motzei Shabbos Lag B’Omer in Meron. He explains the chilul Shabbos is exaggerated in the media and since the lighting was postponed until 1:00AM, the chilul Shabbos allegations were not an issue.

Asked if he might cooperate with political nemesis Yair Lapid in a future government, he said he has not yet seen evidence that Lapid has done teshuva vis-a-via the induction of talmidei yeshivos into the IDF or regarding yeshiva funding.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. A bunch of nonsense. We expect Christians and Muslims leaders to protest the actions of extremists acting in the name of Christianity or Islam we should expect no less from our leadership when extremists act in the name of Yiddeshkeit. No Chareidi person cares about the protests of Litzman or any chaver knesset. They care about those that they consider to be Daas Torah and as long as Daas Torah is silent many will draw the conclusion that such radicalism and extremism is OK or not all that bad.

  2. > “making an issue of the actions of these extremists only services to intensify their strength and encourage them”.

    Or perhaps not reporting on the actions antagonizes them even more and they escalate to get attention.

  3. Just read an article that bolsters my point. The Belzer Rebbe is visiting London and the “Neturei Karta” in London protested in a more violent than usual manner (meaning more violent than usual for them in London). A member of the Stamford Hill community explained that the policy is to ignore these “Neturei Karta”, which is what led these “Neturei Karta” to escalate to get attention.

  4. Crazykanoiy, the big rabbonim in Me’ah Shearim HAVE spoken out against attacking soldiers & police for several years, but they haven’t been able to stop the behaviour.

  5. Kingr: Can you please provide any evidence that you have of a kol koreh or written letter of protest signed by the Raavad, Gaavad, or the Rebbes of Toldos Ahron or Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok.

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