Former Shas System Teacher Arrested For SMSing Deri Too Much

Dror Chazan, 35, of Akko, was once employed as a teacher in the Shas-affiliated Mayan Chinuch education system. He, perhaps like other Shas voters, is dissatisfied with the party’s performance today, especially the performance of party leader Aryeh Deri.

In fact, according to a report on Posta, Chazan shared his level of dissatisfaction with Deri, sending him no less than 18 SMS text messages in which he accused Deri of not doing enough for Kedushas Shabbos.

Deri, annoyed by the harassment, turned to police and filed a complaint, explaining in one of the text messages he stated he would “take care of Deri”.

He was arrested and spent Shabbos behind bars. His remand was extended by the Haifa court and since then, Justice Dana Ofir released him with restrictions, including he cannot come within a half kilometer of Deri for three months. He also agreed to admit himself to a psychiatric hospital for evaluation.

Defense Council explained to the court that clearly, the man is somewhat disturbed and the threats contained in some of the text messages were nothing more than meaningless words, threats that his client would never carry out.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. he’s certainly not disturbed.
    of course he wouldn’t do anything harmful to deri, he knows better than that, but he has all reason to be dissatisified with deri’s sitting back and doing NOTHING for the kavod of shabbos!!!

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