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Wednesday Morning News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

After dropping about 10% yesterday, the Cellcom and Orange stocks continue to plummet following the announcement of sharply reduced cellular prices in Israel.

** Government officials announce that after cutting cell phone rates, the next step is to sharply reduce the price of smart phones.

** IDF soldiers taking part in counterterrorism operations throughout Yehuda and Shomron apprehended three suspects during the night.

** Interior Minister Eli Yishai told Israel Radio additional prisons must be built and all illegal aliens must be imprisoned, without exception.

** A dead infant wrapped in a sheet was found by a gardener at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital this morning. Police report the infant was born 1kg still born last night and given to the family for burial. Apparently they buried the infant under bushes on hospital grounds.

** Yair Lapid responded to Eli Yishai’s claim that while many chareidim wish to enlist in the IDF but are not permitted to do so. Lapid stated Yishai’s statement is simply absurd.

** MK Zevulun Orlev announced he plans to run for the leadership of the HaBayit HaYehudi Party against incumbent, Minister Rabbi Dr. Daniel Hershkowitz. Orlev added if he is unsuccessful, he will not run on the party list in the next election.

** Stepped-up fighting between Hatzalah Gush Dan and Ichud Hatzalah Bnei Brak. Asher Slomovitz, who runs Hatzalah Gush Dan sent a letter to Bnei Brak city councilman explaining the Ichud Hatzalah members in the city are simply a lose band of uncontrollable who compromise patient care with their malfeasance and some are mechalel Shabbos. The letter reminds the city officials that “rabbonim in Bnei Brak opposed the launching of another Hatzalah in the city”, referring to Ichud Hatzalah.

** Despite stern objections from the left-wing, MK Uri Ariel was appointed to head the Knesset Audit Committee.

** Immigration Authority officials are calling on the State Prosecutor’s Office to indict Aviva Weinstein for employing an illegal alien as a domestic. The defendant is wife of State Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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