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Meah Shearim: Arab Workers Pelt Angry Neighbors With Stones

DSCN3133.jpg(Click HERE for photos) Arab workers who are working on a construction project in Meah Shearim got fed-up with a neighbor who constantly complained to them about the construction – and pelted him with stones. Local neighbors came out to assist in helping their fellow neighbor, and started throwing stones back at the Arab construction workers.

Eventually the police arrived to stop the fight, which was taking place on Rechov Chevra Shas. Just minutes after arriving, the back window or the police car was shattered by stones – not by the Arabs – but by local residents.

It is not known why residents attacked police, but a source tell Yeshivaworld that ever since this past summers “shame parade”, police try to stay away from the neighborhood – out of fear that they will get pelted with stones.

Hatzolah Israel was called to the scene for one person with minor injuries. He was not transported to the hospital.

No arrests were made.

(YW News Desk / Lipas)

22 Responses

  1. Jews in Meah Shearim attack police and you refer to some parade as “shame”. The actions of these supposedly frum people are far more shameful.

  2. Arab workers – when will we learn
    Arab workers – save a buck, harm a life
    Arab workers – smile outside & hate burns within
    Arab Workers – are building their future homes??
    Arab Workers – outlawed, never, no no…

  3. Could it be that the police car just got in the way and that the residents didnt’ really intend to attack the police?

    This makes for a nice story to make jews look bad.

  4. hey illini07 we’re not dealing with wrongs and rights if an arab(or anybody else but especially an arab) starts up with you, use any means possible to fight back and dont worry about chillul hashem helping out another jew when he is atacked is a huge kiddush hashem and may we see more stories where jews defend jews especially when it is in our neighborhoods. i myself have seen(aside from personally being physically assualted by three arab chayos in a jewish neighborhood) too many cases of arabs starting up with jews in our parts of town and remember: if you dont destroy the seed the flower just gets bigger and bigger and sadly we know all to well what happens next

  5. Writing from Meah Shearim I can tell you that its very rare for arabs in this area to lose their temper. They are normally very well behaved, perhaps out of fear.

    But as for stone throwing – that isn’t exactly out of the ordinary. It raises a yawn. Its awfully common to see residents come out in force whenever police arrive on the scene. Its always children and young boys up to the age of 18 or so, who simply enjoy the action. Unfortunately they don’t know any better, and that’s what they’ve seen while growing up. They don’t have much idea why they are doing this kind of thing, and their parents couldn’t care to stop them either. They don’t have many opportunities for recreation; their three favourite games are burning bins, throwing stones and chasing cats. (Football? Tennis? Chas Vesholom! That’s for Goyim!)

    So although this is despicable behaviour, remember these are children, deprived of an upbringing, who are mindlessly doing whatever they can get away with.
    If you live in this area todays events wouldn’t suprise you. This is a daily occurrence and an ongoing problem.

  6. Um, Meah Shearim has every reason to hate the police. Not so long ago, police came into their neighborhoods and sprayed hot scalding water into their apartments and if that was not enough they sprayed blue water that dyed everything it touched. There was no good reason for this.

    They also beat people for no reason. My cousin (an American bachur) in yeshiva in that area was attacked by police for no good reason other than he was a frum Jew and they were “in the mood” to do some Jew beating. He was just walking from the beis medrish to his apartment.

    No one should make comments if they do not understand these people’s lives.

  7. Since the whole thing doesn’t make sense, I assume there’s a lot more to the story.

    What were the neighbors complaining about?

    What did the Police do when they arrived?

    Anyone in Jerusalem know THE REST OF THE STORY?

  8. i cannot believe this. ARABS attacked JEWS and there are people defending the arabs. this is exactly what the zionist anti-jewish government is doing THEY attack US and we get in trouble. lets think for a minute here and realize who’s side we should really be on. trust me ARABS ARE BAD AND THEY ALL HATE YOU, ME AND EVERY OTHER JEW, EVEN THE LIBERAL ARAB LOVING TRAITORS and the cops aint to righteous either

  9. I agree 100 percent with #9, i have personally witnessed such police brutality. i know it’s hard to beleive but if you don’t beleive you can go check it out yourselves and you will be apalled. and yes #2 the parade is a shame parade and alot more shameful than these actions the shame parade carries a punishment according to torah law of death those actions albeit bad do not carri a penalty of death. go learn some chumash

  10. can everybody PLEASE stop writing if you dont know what really goes on here between the cops and jews and the arabs and jews FACT: religious jews in israel are always the underdog

  11. illini07 about your last line in comment 15 thanx for showing everybody exactly what i meant- EVEN THE LIBERAL ARAB LOVING TRAITORS (nothing personal)

  12. Construction work is noisy,no matter if Jews do the work if Arabs do it. Do they have skilled Jewish workers? Do the residents want to pay lower wages for the work,and therefore hire Arabs. Do the residents want repairs to not be done? Is damaging a police car muttar? It’s your neighbors’tax money that was used to purchase the police car.Does violence help the situation? Do :ultra”frum Jews have a different Torah than the one that says one may not damage the property of a fellow Jew? Is THIS the way they’ll learn to live with each other in peace?

  13. I thought chassidic boys and teenagers are supposed to be learning Torah and following the “Torah” they study! Is THIS what frumkeit is about? Of course not!but theses pictures are a disgrace and chillul Hashem.WORK makes noise sometimes. Work is progress! Let the Yeshiva students learn in Yeshiva while Arab workers do the hard labor for cheap. Complain about noise from construction? Invent construction that can be done quietly.

  14. OK, THIS IS THE REAL STORY(i was the one who roported the story originally, but the details got confused a bit): The arabs started construction on Rechov Chevras Hashas yestertday. A neighbor who had a problem with the construction started speaking with one of the workers on the site. Suddenly he was hit in the far head br a rock.He said the arabs threw it and therefore he called the police, and the ababs said it was kicked up from the tracktor working several feet away. It is not clear which one it was.The police arrived on scene, gathered all the workers together and requested i.d.s and working permits.several minutes later the police returned to their car to find the back window smashed.SO(#6) there was no exchange of rock throwing, and the police car was not caught in the cross fire.# 9 and # 11.The police do not go around beating people. If your cousin walked through a hafganah where EVERYONE knows that the police DO beat people, then of course they didnt realize he wasnt part of it.The 2 police officers on scene are ones that i know to be good upstanding non-charedie hating officers….at least untill this afternoon. Shame on this area who condones such behavior!!

  15. Illini07, now that I read #17, I have to hand it to you – you really are NOT the worst one here.

    Maurice!! Basic civility and tolerance is called for, nothing more.

    I feel like the middos patrol.

  16. Whether or not we know what really went on, could everyone please take a moment to offer a short tefila:
    “Ribbono shel Olam, please let there be friendly and peaceful relations between Jews and Arabs and peace among all Jews, including policemen, and bring all Jews to do teshuva for everything they need to do teshuva for.”
    I confess that this stems from my shita that everything we see in any news media is a message from the Ribono shel Olam about what He wants us to daven for.
    BTW, I’ve just returned from spending the afternoon of Zos Chanuka in Meron, where hundreds and maybe thousands of Yidden were davening and making chalakas, etc. An immensely uplifting experience, I’m sorry I didn’t think to bring my camera to share some scenes with YW readers.

  17. illini07 i didnt mean anything personal you probably are a fine person with a big heart but do me one favor dont embrace the arabs. day in and day out they destroy hundreds of lives(rock attacks, rocket attacks, or r”l worse) and yes every arab hates jews. i have a short story for you. one night i was walking by myself in a religious part of yerushalyim when three arabs attacked me(without any provocation). when i shouted “police police” they got scared and started walking away and walked straight into 8 border policemen who did nothing to them. instead they yelled at me for walking by myself. end of story. moral-arabs hate jews; cops hate the religious

  18. I would imagine that sooner or later the Police will stop showing up in neighborhoods, where their cars get smashed up!! Probably a MS shomrim will be started soon.

  19. Firstly, the reason why the residents are upset is because the police raided their homes with paint and water causing much damage to people who dont have much to begin with. This was reciprocation for the protests on the parade. the police indiscriminately damaged peoples property without establishing who was at fault and who was not involved.
    Secondly, is it more assur to have internet in meah shearim than in your neighborhood ,hml. halachah is halachah no matter where. if its indeed wrong , then you shouldnt have it either. Im sure if someone has internet in meah shearim , they are only using it for yeshivah world.

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