Remembering Maalot Massacre – 38 Years

The staff and students of the Amit School in Tzfat on Tuesday, held a memorial service for the victims of the Maalot massacre, which occurred on May 15, 1974. Minister of Public Security Yitzchak Aharonovich attended as an official government representative. Also present was the mayor of Tzfat.

Anyone who was alive then cannot forget the horrific news that came from Eretz Yisrael, the news of the terrorist attack on a school in Maalot that left 25 people dead. The terrorists held security forces at bay for two days after taking over the Netiv Meir Elementary School in the northern border city. 115 people were taken hostage. When the IDF force stormed the school building terrorists used hand grenades and their automatic weapons to kill the children. 22 of the 25 fatalities were children. Close to 70 people were wounded.

The city’s chief Sephardic rabbi, HaRav Shmuel Eliyahu told participants that the fact the victims were buried opposite Kever Rashbi is further testimony to their status as “Kedoshim”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. I visit the Tzefas cemetery almost every time I go to Israel, and indeed as the Chief Rabbi of Tzefas said, this is one of the most inspirational places, in all of Israel.

    To think that this same cemetery that was being used over 500 years ago for famous personalities [Lecho Dodi] and is still being used today is so awe inspiring. I have literally filed past these 25 Kevoros several times.

  2. i still remember what rabbi nosen scherman who was then the principle in yeshiva karlin stolin told us as if it was yesterday. the yorstight comes out around parshas bechukosi when the torah tells us of the bad things that happen to benay yisroel if they do not listen to hashem

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