WATCH THIS: People Climbing Through Bus Windows In Meron

People did everything they can to secure themselves a ride home this morning during the unprecedented bus shortage from Meron.

As YWN has been reporting, thousands of people were forced to stand for hours and hours as they waited for buses which never arrived. Many walked miles instead, hoping to find buses outside of Meron.

The attached video was taken as one bus arrived and people scrambled to get themselves a seat on board.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. I’m sorry but this site is far from “Yeshiva” and “frum”. Why do you publicize the one or 2 very heavy load of people leaving Meron. What about all the hard work put in from many many organizations including police that made everything EXTREMELY smooth the rest of the day. Some of my family went up and got there 4am and left 6:30 am. Very organized!
    I arrived 1:30pm and left 4pm again EXTREMELY nice service and no pushing

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