Amb. Danon: ‘Put An End To The Funding Of Terrorists By The PA’

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon called today for the Security Council to address the issue of Palestinian Authority payments to convicted terrorist. “The Security Council must act immediately to put an end to the funding of terrorists by the Palestinian Authority. Aid provided by the donor countries to the PA every year ends up funding terrorist who murdered innocent Israelis,” the Ambassador said.

Speaking outside of the Security Council, Ambassador Danon presented data showing PA payments to Palestinian terrorist.

Yesterday, Ambassador Danon sent an official letter to the Security Council on this topic. “According to Palestinian Authority laws and regulations, every terrorist arrested, tried and imprisoned receives monthly financial payments. The more Israelis killed, the longer the terrorist is sentenced to prison, the higher payment the terrorist receives from the PA,” the Ambassador wrote in his letter.

“A Palestinian terrorist who murders innocent civilians and is sentenced to over thirty years in prison receives over 3,000 US dollars a month. Put simply, this is official Palestinian blood-money, rewarding terrorists who murder Jews. The State and people of Israel want nothing more than to live in peace and security with all of our neighbors. If the Palestinians seek the same goal, then their first step must be to stop the glorification of terrorists,” the Ambassador concluded.

(YWN Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. The form of thinking of rewarding terrorists is only possible when terror is a mainstay of the government’s policy. And with this being true, the government is undeserving of a single dollar of aid. It was Obama/Kerry who had the knee jerk reaction to the Gaza War by jumping to offer Hamas $47 million. They were essentially supporting, financing, and rewarding terror. Some people whose intelligence needs to be questioned, actually wanted to elect Hillary whose policies would have extended those of Obama y”sh. Meanwhile, no one has exercised the conscience to state that this attitude is fundamentally immoral, and would never be accepted. I hope Trump will live up to his campaign promises and do exactly that.

  2. Nations that send funds to the Palestinian Authority despite it well known that many tens of thousands are used as payment to terrorists in israeli jails and their families. Terrorists up to the current time whenever a Jewish man, woman or child in Israel is killed can rely on a “stipend” from the “Moderate Peace Partner” Abbas! THis is Obviously Open Encouragement to kill Jews in the Holy Land! “We speak of Peace But they Are for War” (PSalms) It is an OPEN CHARADE for the Palestinian Authority is NOT A PEACE PARTNER. THey name streets after terrorists and call them Holy Martyrs in their official Media. And how can Negotiations be talked about when HALF the Disputed Areas are held by HAMAS in Gaza! And the “Moderate” (terrorist in a suit and glibe tongue) openly says he wants All pre 1967 land And for Palestinian Refugees and all their descendents to be allowed into remaining small indefensable Israel! Obviously the wily snake still seeks to eliminate Israel! And what about the repeated refusals to acknowledge Jewish Historic connections to the Western Wall and Rachels TOmb and Cave of the Jewish PAtriarchs and Matriarchs! Onthe contrary – he pushes UN resolutions to Refer to them Exclusively as MOslem! When Pres Trump hosted Pres Abbas and Pres Abbas said “but we do teach Peace to our people” Lying at the White House. I hope Pres Trump remembers that even under Pres Bush 100,000 Jews and Christians rallied in Washigton when Israel was pressured to hold back as the “Peace partners” were blowing Jews up left and right! Many had the Hope that FINALLY a US president will see TRUTH and Stop the Charade! Pres Trump – were we Right or WRONG

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