WATCH: CHARDAK! Chareid Soldier Chased Out Of Meah Shearim

7 Responses

  1. This is a disgrace. Is their any leadership in that community which could tell the kids/adults — that what they are doing is shameful? Of course, if the leadership thinks it a good idea — than its worse than we thought.

  2. The soldier should have not run away but instead turned around and slapped down these disgusting excuses for yiddeshe children. Its time to stop coddling these zealots, whatever their age, and instead make them realize that continued verbal and physical attacks on the brave men and women of the IDF will no longer be tolerated

  3. And what exactly should the soldier have done? Assaulted little children? Is that what the Israeli army trains its soldiers to do? Well that is certainly what the Palestinians claim. Shame that Yidden seem to be publicly backing them up.

  4. A zetz in the bottom would not be deemed “assault” in these cases and might shock these “innocent children” and more so their parents, that actions have consequences. In the most extreme cases of repeated assaults by the same individuals over time, consideration should be given to removing children from parents who encourage them to engage in this behavior.

  5. Nowadays in Israel, a school teacher or even a parent can be questioned and potentially arrested for striking (“educating”) a child. Do you think the IDF will want to allocate resources for the legal defense of soldiers who were to “teach some kids a lesson?” (Note the Elor Azaria case.) Their hands are tied when dealing with Arab kids; do you think they’d get away with it against Yiddishe kinder? Anyway, how does the Gadolhador know that it’s “the same kids” all the time? Has he checked out the crime scene? I guess no need for that. Being consumed by an obsessive hatred of frum people, “disgusting excuses for yiddeshe children” (what a thing to write! And to publish!) — that’s the carte blanche and the halachic permission to continue your endless campaign to “re-educate” the frum community in E.Y. — by calling them names that would make Der Sturmer proud. Especially if you have an “authentic, real time video clip” that clearly shows what happened. Whether we agree or disagree with what these kids did, not you or me, or anyone else is going to change their mindset. Worry about yourselves and your communities, instead of what goes on across the Atlantic Ocean. Matters over which you anyway do not and will not have any control.

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