Bayit Vegan Residents Protest Planned Construction Of Kindergartens

A new battlefront may be forming as Bayit Vegan residents are protesting the planned construction of a kindergarten complex for children living in neighboring Kiryat HaYovel. The new kindergarten complex is to be constructed on Chachmei Yosef at the corner of Eliezri Street. Residents explain the plan would result in severe traffic congestion in the area.

Residents are angry that City Hall has taken an area of land belonging to the community, deciding it would be used for the new kindergarten.

Residents have been fighting the plan for months, stating it is absurd to move ahead amid the awareness the intersection is very narrow and it is already difficult absorbing the traffic passing on Chachmei Yosef Street due to the school, hotel, and supermarket, resulting in one of the most unique corners in the city. The city however is not listening attentively to the needs of the resident who have done everything in their power to express what they call “The cry for the future generations”, explaining their concerns regarding the planned construction. Residents angrily add the kindergartens are to house 120 children!

They are certain “The children will destroy the fabric of life in the unique area as well as significantly complicating the fragile traffic realities.

A protest took place at 8:00AM Tuesday morning, 13 Iyar as work is supposed to begin on site on Wednesday.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. I have to wonder what happens in a year or two when these children have to go to a real “school”. Where will that be built? And then there will be juniour high and then high school …. I mean if they cannot build a kindergarten in Kiryat HaYovel then why would one think they can build any higher institution?

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